Monday, 2 January 2017

The emperors new clothes or the media's inability to deal with Donald Trump

quote [ Reporters need new tools to hold Trump accountable
Trump's press secretary said today Trump doesn't have to "conform to precedents." NYU journalism prof. Jay Rosen says Trump "cannot be held accountable by normal means" and explains how journalists must handle him. ]

Donald Trump is mentally ill Each day that is becoming more and more obvious and the press is dumbfounded and does not know how to deal with it.

We can no longer pretend that what we are seeing is just a new and different sort of American president. His Narcissistic personality disorder has been widely discussed but as time goes on becomes more and more apparent.

His New years eve tweet was illuminating

"Happy New Year to all,” Mr. Trump wrote, “including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don’t know what to do. Love!”

The man is the president elect...still feeling inadequate and vindictive.

Even a holiday known for its good cheer, it seems, could not dull Mr. Trump’s penchant for doling out taunts and insults via Twitter

The entire Russian denial thing is all about how it reflects baldy on him. It has gotten to the point he is becoming delusional and grandiose.

When Tuesday or Wednesday pass and we hear anything what will the press do? If past is prologue...maybe a slight mention.

I don't know I guess I have to give the press some credit they now at least seem to be trying but either out of fear or ignorance seem ill equipped to deal with what is right in front of them.

Somebody has to say the man is naked!

When is somebody going to ask the tough questions?

"‘This is not normal’: Kurt Eichenwald blasts reporters for being afraid of questioning Trump"

[SFW] [0 Wrong Category]
[by bbqkink@10:13pmGMT]


lilmookieesquire said @ 12:32am GMT on 3rd Jan [Score:2]
At least numbers is happy, we got that going for us.
satanspenis666 said[1] @ 11:22pm GMT on 2nd Jan [Score:1 Funny]
Morris Forgot his Password said @ 2:41am GMT on 3rd Jan [Score:1 Sad]
I'm still bored of Trump
lilmookieesquire said @ 10:15pm GMT on 2nd Jan
lilmookieesquire said[1] @ 10:16pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Here. Let me be constructive:

Bernie Sanders x Killer Mike Interview #FeelTheBern || Moorish World News

It's really a lovely interview about policy and philosophy.
bbqkink said[1] @ 10:25pm GMT on 2nd Jan [Score:1 Underrated]
Ahh.... Is he he going to be president of the United States?

When are you going to stop pretending if you ignore this it will go away?
lilmookieesquire said[1] @ 10:29pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Annnnnd the person who should watch the link isn't going to watch it and will keep being Trump's media wing.

Edit: the link isn't really about Bernie. It's about progressive activism.
bbqkink said @ 10:49pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Which may have some real word effect in 2 years.

And this is about intelligent people to discus not trying to change hearts and minds..unless you are a media talking head or a writer for a major news paper.
lilmookieesquire said @ 11:00pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Knock yourselves out
sanepride said @ 10:52pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Before the election I thought you had a valid point. Now you're just in denial.
bbqkink said @ 11:29pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Even then how would talking about an major party candidate for president of the US on a multinational forum the size of SE mean anything?

"The one who shall not be named"

lilmookieesquire said @ 11:33pm GMT on 2nd Jan [Score:1 Sad]
No. you're right. Posting pictures of Trump as voltimore is exactly what the democrats need. I was wrong.
bbqkink said[1] @ 11:53pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Still don't get it do you..Democrats...that's over. This is about the America Democracy and the press we so desperately need.

The pic was a jab at you for insinuating it gave him power if we discussed him.
lilmookieesquire said @ 12:28am GMT on 3rd Jan [Score:1 Sad]
eidolon said @ 10:21am GMT on 3rd Jan [Score:1 Insightful]
Ignoring Trump was a valid strategy early in the primaries. By addressing him we lent validity to his crazy talk; after all, if there weren't something to it, why would we give it the time of day? We gave him so much free exposure that now people cite his lack of campaign spending as proof of his popularity, even if that's not an accurate reflection of what happened.

Now that he's taking office, the opposite approach is necessary. Give him all the attention he can handle and more. Don't ignore his tweets. Address every last one of them and rip them to shreds. His mouth pieces on the news? I know these women. I debated these women in Lincoln-Douglas. Their tactics don't hold up when you ask them for specific examples, concrete definitions, and explanations of what they mean and how it's supposed to work. When they act like you're being a bully, don't cave to their emotional appeals. It's the only way to wipe those smug, shit-eating smiles off their faces.

That he keeps using attractive debate women as his reps is, in and of itself, telling. The intent is to distract and hypnotize, and if that fails, force you to be "mean" to a nice pretty lady so people think you're a jerk. The best people to take them to task are the women in our party.
lilmookieesquire said @ 6:13pm GMT on 3rd Jan
i think we need you in the press.
lilmookieesquire said @ 10:58pm GMT on 2nd Jan [Score:0 Underrated]
I'll take my downmod happily, thank you.
sanepride said @ 10:49pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Huh. I had the same reaction to a recent post of just a YouTube trailer for a movie that came out last year.
lilmookieesquire said @ 10:58pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Well I think you're asking me to post Godzilla movies every 2 to three days and I might do that every time I see a trump post here that just whines about trump w/o doing anything.
sanepride said @ 12:43am GMT on 3rd Jan
A post highlighting a particular issue about our soon-to-be president isn't 'whining'. The question about how the press deals with an entirely new paradigm is perfectly valid, especially as we step into a new, unprecedented age of disinformation and opacity in white house/press relations.
Now I wouldn't necessarily go straight to nakedly partisan sources like MSNBC, but the issues themselves are important.
lilmookieesquire said[1] @ 6:08am GMT on 3rd Jan
But yet the hour long conversation I posted about progressive causes that Killer Mike and Bernie were talking about is "denial". I never really thought Bernie had a chance- but he certainly had a popular and growing narrative and he caught interest of many different swaths of people.

The reason I posted it is because the things they are talking about there are even MOrE important now that Trump is in office. It's about feet on the street and making positive local changes and getting out the vote- because when people vote democrats win. But the important thing is NOT a democrat winning but policies that most Americans all similarly agree on.

That's the thing. There are major issues Americans agree on. Especially, I think, ones that DON'T vote. If you get get policies like that out there, that will draw out more voters. Things like minimium wage and things like getting big money out of politics. Those are issues that draw out voters.

Yes- resistance is good, but it's a short term goal because they don't have a congressional majority. That's why I don't give a fuck. The republicans have the SCOTUS, they have congress, they have the presidency. The best thing democrats can do is split republicans (Obama is working in that with his Russian positioning) but the democrats need to get people out to vote. Talking about trump won't do that. Hilary was proof enough. The democrats need to make something. That's why Obama did so well. He talked about positivity and hope and what we could achieve. His fault was being a bit naive about big money and politics. He's not really a ruthless guy.

I don't want Bernie to be president, but I do want him to be a spokesman for progressive causes. He never would have been so popular if the democrats had a better party platform that appealed to more people. The democrats are going to have to start fighting again on the ground and progressive causes are the way to do that IMHO.
sanepride said @ 6:46am GMT on 3rd Jan
The 'denial' part was more about your dismissal of news about Trump as somehow giving him free coverage, as though he's still running for president. I'm all for promoting positive progressive policies and politicians, but in the meantime it's also important to keep on top of the present-day situation.
HoZay said @ 7:30am GMT on 3rd Jan
Bernie practically wrote the Dem platform, including minimun wage hike, which didn't seem to draw out those voters.
lilmookieesquire said @ 8:20am GMT on 3rd Jan
I was, in terms of his polling numbers. He just started too late. In this case I think the issue was the messenger.
HoZay said @ 9:14am GMT on 3rd Jan
If by "messenger" you mean the press, then you're right.
lilmookieesquire said @ 6:15pm GMT on 3rd Jan
As Illustrated by a six minute MSNBC video and a plethora of Trump related links.
lilmookieesquire said @ 10:59pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Seriously though at the very least can you guys mark this as politics?
bbqkink said[1] @ 11:13pm GMT on 2nd Jan
It is not politics it seems you and Trump both have a hard realizing the elections is over.
sanepride said @ 11:28pm GMT on 2nd Jan [Score:1 Insightful]
Well to be fair, it's still considered politics. The term doesn't apply only to political campaigning.
bbqkink said @ 11:44pm GMT on 2nd Jan
This is about the media...Trump is going to be president. The politics is over at least for while. It will start again the day he takes office.
papango said @ 1:48am GMT on 3rd Jan
This is American politics (and the American media). If you think politics is just something that happens at elections then that's part of the problem.
bbqkink said @ 2:00am GMT on 3rd Jan
This is about American media...for lack of a better word... NEWS. There is no News category curiously...And it is a shame you don't realize it importance to a Democracy.
papango said @ 2:04am GMT on 3rd Jan
It's politics, dude. That's not a judgement on how important is.

Also, try to see past your own myopia. America talks big, but it is not capital d Democracy. Especially with regard to presidential elections.
bbqkink said @ 2:26am GMT on 3rd Jan
It is about the press...

“Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them.”

papango said @ 2:29am GMT on 3rd Jan
It's about the American press reporting on a politics. And that quote is from a politician talking about the importance of the free press in politics.
bbqkink said @ 2:37am GMT on 3rd Jan
And you can't see the difference?
papango said @ 2:44am GMT on 3rd Jan
It's political. This is politics. Governance, democracy, presidents, elections, citizenship: all political concepts.

Look, I know 'politics' has come to mean something negative in the US. And everyone wants to avoid being 'political'. But if you want to make any progress you need to reach out and snatch it back. Politics is important. And almost everything has a political dimension. You can't divorce issues of media reporting on politicians from the political process and forces. And trying to just ends up wasting everybody's time. How much time have you spent trying to convince people that this is 'above' politics? How much of that time would have been better spent addressing the political issues your country and press face?
bbqkink said[1] @ 3:04am GMT on 3rd Jan
Look, I know 'politics' has come to mean something negative in the US.

Not to me it doesn't...politics if done correctly is what give the people power. Everything has some political component to it, if more than two people are involved...doesn't make everything we go politics.

This entire post is about can the news media accurately inform the populace. It is a valid and necessary part of our way of governing but it is not politics in fact if done correct it is apolitical.and bipartisan.

The SCOTUS has some politics involved in it but it is not a political body. I am no naive enough to relive that there is politics in the Press or in The SCOTUS but that is not what they do.
papango said @ 3:14am GMT on 3rd Jan
"it's not politics ... it's apolitical and bipartisan"

I think we have the nub of the problem. Bipartisanship is political. The idea that 'politics' is about taking sides is a very US thing. It's not how it's conceived of everywhere else. Politics is about the process and systems of governance. How nations make choices about the future, that sort of thing. How the press reports on politicians is very much part of that - even though it should be objective (or at least have it's bias openly stated) and even handed.
bbqkink said @ 3:24am GMT on 3rd Jan
Let me try another tack..if this was about Trump it would be politics is about the Washington post, the New York Times, ABC , Face is about media.
1234 said @ 9:28am GMT on 3rd Jan

More Jimmy Carter posts please.

bbqkink said[1] @ 2:47pm GMT on 3rd Jan
This post is about the press not politics...but. I assume you were talking about Pres Carter saying that Obama should recognize Palestine before he leaves office. I agree we should talk more about it is an interesting idea.

This isn't about Carter but you won't like it any better.

Obama Can and Should Put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court
The outgoing president has one final trump card—and he should play it.
By David Dayen
November 16, 2016
lilmookieesquire said @ 11:30pm GMT on 2nd Jan
Seriously? The video is about getting out the vote and what it means to be progressive and helping to create a grass roots movement.

I actually posted it more about Killer Mike than about Bernie. Killer Mike is a political activist.

I get that Bernie didn't beat Hilary and Trump is president. But I also get that Trump knows exactly how to play the media.
bbqkink said @ 11:42pm GMT on 2nd Jan
But I also get that Trump knows exactly how to play the media.

That is what this post is about.
lilmookieesquire said @ 12:29am GMT on 3rd Jan
Ironically so, yes.
sanepride said @ 12:45am GMT on 3rd Jan
It's about media resistance to Trump's game, even if it is probably futile.
lilmookieesquire said @ 12:54am GMT on 3rd Jan
Sure. I get that. But beyond that, to what end. That's kind of what I'm getting at. The reason we have a trump is because Hilary's vision didn't get enough people to vote. Democrats historically win when people come out to vote. People, democrats, need something to vote for. Republicans are the ines that gain advantage by splitting people and groups (no offense numbers). Hilary was alluding to that. That's mostly what the Killer Mike/Bernie video was about. I understand it's pre election when he was running but the interesting part is Killer Mike's take. His "The View" interview was amazing too. He broke down a lot of solid points down really well and kind of cut through the "gotcha" style questions. Bernie was good at that too- structurally speaking.
bbqkink said[1] @ 1:01am GMT on 3rd Jan
That shit don't matter anymore. This is not politics!!!

This is about governing and we need a free and well informed citizenry to make That work. This is as much about where we get our news from as anything else. Social Media is about to take over from media outlets as the dominate source of news. This not about last years election it is about the next 4 years.
papango said @ 1:55am GMT on 3rd Jan [Score:1 Underrated]
Governance is politics, though.

And being informed isn't the issue. Trump's awfulness was well documented. The vast majority of Americans just didn't care enough to bother voting. They knew about the Pussy grabbing, the charity fraud, the racism, and they collectively shrugged and went back to whatever else they were doing (I fully exclude from this those who wanted to vote but were prevented). Trump's actual support was pretty low (lower than Romney, even) and those people knew what they wanted. But the vast vast majority of your countrymen knew it was going to be either Clinton or Trump and they just didn't care. This is your country. This is your political problem.
bbqkink said @ 2:52am GMT on 3rd Jan
"Establishment of policies, and continuous monitoring of their proper implementation, by the members of the governing body of an organization. It includes the mechanisms required to balance the powers of the members (with the associated accountability), and their primary duty of enhancing the prosperity and viability of the organization. See also corporate governance."

Politics is how you get there Governance is what you do once you do.

"And being informed isn't the issue"

It is the only issue we are talking about the press.

"Trump's awfulness was well documented."

Depends who you ask.''

About Half of Trump’s Voters Really Think Clinton Is Involved in Pedophilia Ring

"We've reached a dangerous point in our politics where people are divided not just by different political ideologies, but also by their belief in reality."

Forty percent of Trump fans also believe that Hillary Clinton lost the popular vote, despite her margin over Trump exceeding 2.7 million votes. An even greater percentage – 60 percent – think “millions” of people illegally cast their ballots for the former Secretary of State.

Do you believe there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that the U.S. never found?

53% YES / 47% NO

Do you believe that vaccines cause autism?

31% YES / 69% NO

Leaked email from some of Hillary Clinton’s campaign staffers contained code words for pedophilia, human trafficking, and satanic ritual abuse — some people refer to as “Pizzagate.”

Clinton voters: 17% TRUE / 82% UNTRUE

Trump Voters: 46% TRUE / 53% UNTRUE

President Obama was born in Kenya:

Clinton: 11% TRUE / 89% UNTRUE

Trump: 52% TRUE / 48% UNTRUE

Millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election:

Clinton: 25% TRUE / 75% UNTRUE

Trump: 62% TRUE 38% / UNTRUE

Vaccines have been shown to cause autism:

Clinton: 18% TRUE / 81% UNTRUE
Trump: 31% TRUE / 69% UNTRUE

The U.S. government helped plan the 9/11 attacks:

Clinton: 17% TRUE / 83% UNTRUE

Trump: 15% TRUE / 85% UNTRUE

Russia tampered with vote tallies to help Donald Trump:

Clinton: 50% TRUE / 50% UNTRUE

Trump: 9% TRUE / 92% UNTRU

Well informed you say.
papango said @ 3:24am GMT on 3rd Jan
Oh, man. Looks like I said 'well informed' and then went back and edited it out and then hacked SE to make it look like I never edited my comment and you were putting up a straw man argument.

You're stats here fail to demonstrate that people didn't know about the pussy grabbing, or the racism, or grossness of Trump. And that's my point, people did know. They just didn't care.

And it's no good quoting stats from Trump supporters about Clinton. Those people are a minority of the electorate. The people who I take issue with are the ones who didn't vote at all. Those people knew about Trump, they knew what he was, and they weren't bothered by it. Trump was widely quoted and followed by all the media. It was all Trump all the time even out here and his own words show him as he is. And America is fine with it. It was Clinton or Trump and a huge majority of US citizens just went 'meh'. You can't win by making those people more informed. Lack of information is not their issue.
bbqkink said[1] @ 10:14pm GMT on 3rd Jan
"You can't win by making those people more informed. Lack of information is not their issue."

It certainly wasn't a lack of information...They had plenty of information. It was coming in waves...but it wasn't coming from the media....and what was coming from media sources was discounted as fast as it could be written.

"Grabing Pussy" that was a joke...just a story from a long time ago.

Did you hear about the Pizza place?

This is about the media and their inability to be heard or believed About after Trump gains power the job will get tougher and they suck at it already.

Like I said I want to talk about the future but if you wonder why those people didn't vote didn't you hear Clinton help start ISIS, I even heard they had somebody killed. who would vote for somebody like that?

bbqkink said @ 1:00am GMT on 3rd Jan
For those of you who missed it this was the topic of meet the Press this week as well.

Meet the Press - Jan. 1, 2017
HoZay said @ 9:24am GMT on 3rd Jan [Score:1 Underrated]
There's been a lot of press circle-jerks lately over their fucked-up election coverage. They've been aware, and do nothing to fix it. The broadcast media especially is doing what the owners want. If they wanted real reporting, then Chuck Todd wouldn't be host of Meet The Press.

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