Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Modern Educayshun

quote [ The follow up to #Equality, Modern Educayshun delves into the potential dangers of our increasingly reactionary culture bred by social media and political correctness. ]

Not sure how I feel about his work but interesting nonetheless.

Additional video on equality...

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[by OutdoorRudy@9:47pmGMT]


conception said @ 11:16pm GMT on 10th Nov [Score:2]
This is trending around but it's classic "taking care of under represented people undermines my ability to be an overpowered majority!" that we see in the "War on Christmas" and other straight white christian male fears of inadequacy. It's the worst sort of bigotry masked as a legitimate discussion.
HP Lovekraftwerk said @ 1:11am GMT on 11th Nov [Score:1 Insightful]
Oh, the comments. Nearly all blaming some variant of "liberals" for brainwashing, misinformation, etc.

This from the side of the political spectrum that wants religious dogma taught as fact, slavery taught as "not so bad, actually", any historical figures that clash with their ideology omitted or cast as villains, and complete fabrications taught as science. Not to mention sex ed, which they want banned.

This isn't comedy, this is right wing wank.
ENZ said @ 3:04am GMT on 11th Nov [Score:2]
There does need to be some way to express criticism of the extreme left, though. It is a spectrum, and the further you go in one direction or the other you run into closed-minded hostility. Despite how some people may feel about me here, I still consider myself to be pretty left leaning. But I also tend to lean more toward the center on some things, which is enough for me to be a "right wing piece of shit".

To me, is more about opposing authoritarianism than conservatism. And a lot of shit you see on social media and on college campuses is downright frightening. Not because it threatens my white male privilege, but that it's advocating the same attitudes toward dissent and objectionable media that is typically associated with the religious right.
HoZay said @ 11:31am GMT on 11th Nov
Somebody called you a "right wing piece of shit"?
ENZ said @ 3:01pm GMT on 11th Nov
Foobar. His exact words, too.
HoZay said @ 3:05pm GMT on 11th Nov
Oh, well.
HP Lovekraftwerk said @ 9:27pm GMT on 11th Nov
How to write a Political Correctness Run Amok article. The opening few paragraphs sound quite familiar...
ENZ said @ 12:03am GMT on 12th Nov
No, you're right. There is no possible way to find any fault with the far left that isn't just some closet right-wing bigot trying to stir the pot.

How about NPR? Does that pass your little litmus test?

This is the kind of behaviour that puts me off. Browbeating and mob tactics anyone perceived as 'the enemy' is ok so long as you're fighting for a good cause. Holding a public demonstration and declaring it a 'safe space' totally gives you the authority to literally push away journalists.

Or how about harassing an artist to suicide because she drew fanart in a 'problematic' way?

Political correctness does indeed run amok. Having good intentions doesn't change that this is oppressive behavior. It's just the other side of the coin from 'family values' that seeks to quash anything perceived as socially damaging.
HoZay said @ 4:50am GMT on 12th Nov
I'm pretty sure HP's link above is exactly about a lefty(feminist/trans person) finding fault with another lefty(Germaine Greer), and is aimed at lefties in general.
lilmookieesquire said @ 11:51pm GMT on 10th Nov [Score:2 Insightful]
I'd argue that the actual purposeful dumbing down of school text books; science; math; and news by conservative (and some liberal- but that tends to be bad information aka vaccines) is the issue.

This isn't really 1984 style control of language. It is a social political agenda: but I'm far more worried about genuinely gifted people not being able to receive a proper education because no one wants in invest in our infrastructure.
WeiYang said @ 11:23am GMT on 11th Nov [Score:2]
South Park is doing this far better this season.
Taleweaver said @ 12:50pm GMT on 11th Nov

"Safe Space" was the funniest thing I had seen in years ("Let's work for a shameless America!"), and the episode where two kids find themselves forced into a gay relationship because Japanese and Korean girls yaoi-ship them is a hilarious comment on the entire "is homosexuality a choice" debate. And on fanfiction in general.
ENZ said @ 2:56pm GMT on 11th Nov
Tonights episode has the boys playing ninjas, I'm guessing there will be some commentary on the kerfuffle at Yale over 'culturally appropriative' costumes.
HP Lovekraftwerk said[2] @ 9:33pm GMT on 11th Nov
I hope they read something like this, but I doubt it.

After all, I just saw "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow" listed as one of their "best" episodes, even though their take on the subjects lampooned (Katrina, Global Warming) was wrong in just about every sense. The only thing they seemed to get right was that "The Day After Tomorrow" was an awful movie.
ENZ said @ 12:22am GMT on 12th Nov
Wrong how? The response to Katrina was a boondoggle, as lampooned on the show. As for global warming, yeah I don't think that episode was meant to be a critique on the science, but at the way that awful movie tried to sensationalize it.
HP Lovekraftwerk said[1] @ 12:33am GMT on 12th Nov
They portrayed victims of the flood (which is a bit much when compared to a hurricane) as helpless dolts. The media's reports of horrid events are blown out of proportion (even though the horrors in New Orleans were later shown to be even worse). They were portraying the disaster as not that big a deal, the victims not in peril, the media as sensationalizing how bad it was, and global warming scientists as morons.

Just about the only one that didn't come in for well-deserved criticism was the Bush Administration, especially its FEMA director (and the changes they'd made to FEMA's structure only a year or two before that made things even worse).
ENZ said[1] @ 12:45am GMT on 12th Nov
Helpless dolts? You mean how they were all standing on their roofs, waiting for a rescue that wasn't coming? I took that more as a slam against how poorly the victims of Katrina were helped.

As for your other accounts, yeah, ok? I'll see if I can find a commentary track for that episode, but I don't think the rest of that was supposed to be their interpretation of Katrina or global warming, just them having fun with the citizens of South Park all being hapless idiots.

Here we go.

Brief summary: "Oh shit, people want us to do a Katrina episode because they found out we can do an episode in like a week. Uh... that Day After Tomorrow movie pretty horrible, let's make fun of that".
lilmookieesquire said[1] @ 11:51pm GMT on 10th Nov
Double post erasure edit
sanepride said @ 1:53am GMT on 11th Nov
Gotta admit this got my hackles up but then I googled this guy Neel Kolhatkar and saw some of his stand-up material and figured he must be trolling here.
1234 said @ 1:56am GMT on 11th Nov

"Worst sort of bigotry."

A perfect coda to the film.

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