Thursday, 17 October 2024

The London Beer Flood

quote [ A wave of porter some 15 feet (4.6 m) high swept into New Street, where it destroyed two houses. ]

Eight people died and the report on mass drunkenness and death by intoxication was probably made up.
[SFW] [food & drink] [+1 Interesting]
[by stv179@5:09pmGMT]


TimmoW said @ 7:58pm GMT on 18th Oct [Score:2 Insightful]
This just reminds me of the
stv179 said @ 6:09am GMT on 19th Oct
Everything is bigger in the USA.
thehollowmen said @ 4:22am GMT on 20th Oct [Score:1 Interesting]
Except the rabbits. As the joke goes:
Don't you have rabbits in Texas?
thehollowmen said @ 8:13am GMT on 21st Oct
A Texan goes to Australia for vacation and while there, he takes a tour with a local guide. While driving around the guide points out a large wheat field. "In Texas, we have wheat fields twice as large!" They then drive past a herd of cattle. "Our long horns are at least twice that large in Texas!" the Texan drawls. The guide is becoming quite irate with the Texan at this point and decides to take a detour. The Texan excitedly points at some kangaroo and shouts "What the hell are those?" "What? You dont have rabbits in Texas?"

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