Saturday, 25 February 2017

Ask SE: What stance do you take on deportation of illegal aliens and why? In what circumstances should the law be applied?

quote [ There seems to be a lot of people who say that illegal aliens should be left alone and deportation is horrible. Whenever I ask people with that opinion why the law should not apply to these people they tend to shut the conversation down or scream racism. So I'm asking SE. Why? ]

I could care less about nationality. Come legally or go home. Overstay your valid work/education visa-get it fixed or go home. It is the law and I would expect the same law applied to me if I were in another country in the same situation. Please tell me why that is such a monstrous belief? British, Norwegian, Martian, Indian, Christian, atheist, deist, or Muslim it applies the same. '

Don't just comment its racist-thats BS and its not racist. I've had my mind changed through open debate before and will again, I'm sure. Open, honest conversation. Should immigration reform happen, yes. Should it be a free for all border crossing with no laws-no. While I expect this post to get down-modded to disappear, I hope it doesn't and that people can actually talk.
[NSFW] [ask SE] [+8 Interesting]
[by youchoose]
<-- Entry / Comment History

machpi said @ 8:34pm GMT on 25th February
There are a number of differences between helots and Mexicans. I hear what you're saying, but hyperbole.

machpi said @ 8:37pm GMT on 25th February
There are a number of differences between helots and Mexicans. I hear what you're saying, but hyperbole. For instance, Mexicans have cups. Helots had to drink out of a rolled-up newspaper.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
machpi said @ 8:34pm GMT on 25th February
There are a number of differences between helots and Mexicans. I hear what you're saying, but hyperbole. For instance, Mexicans have cups. Helots had to drink out of a rolled-up newspaper.

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