Monday, 20 February 2017

Happy 3 Year Anniversary!!!

Happy Anniversary!!! Traditionally, Third Year is celebrated with gifts of leather, so I'll be looking forward to seeing what y'all send to my inbox. ;) ;)

I just wanted to take this post to say thank you for everything you've all done for the community, the site, and me. Even if you're just a lurker, your continued visitation to the site contributes to a flurry of activity that is keeping this thing alive.

2016, despite the prevalence of the Great Pumpkin, was a reasonably good year for us.

As you can see, we saw decent growth across the board. And though it may have been with some kicking and screaming, we're almost back to what some might consider to be a functioning community, rather than the ghost town the old site had turned into just before the end.

We're currently about where I expected us to be. 2017, I hope, will be the year I'll be rolling out the 4th iteration of the XP system I've been developing behind the scenes as well as things like Karma Decay, monthly subscriber preview days, and the All4One, One4All subscription benefit system.

Subscriptions are still very near and dear to my stomach and our current level is way below the amount I estimated would be necessary when I first took on this task. I've made it work through sheer minimalism, but we're at a point now where I'm afraid I'm going to have be a bit more vocal about looking for subscribers. If you can't afford it, no worries, SE will always be free as long as I can keep it alive, but if you can afford it and would like to contribute towards helping me not starve while I put far more hours into this thing than I should, your help will be appreciated. ;)

Here's to another great year!
[SFW] [Meta SE] [+10 Good]
[by steele]
<-- Entry / Comment History

NuncEstBibendum said @ 3:26pm GMT on 21st February
Happy Birthday, dear old SE !
Here, take some silver (just a load of bullets, in case of werewolf apocalypse —it's what I can afford).

Thanks, steele.


NuncEstBibendum said @ 3:27pm GMT on 21st February
Happy Birthday, dear old SE !
Here, take some Silver (just a load of bullets, in case of werewolf apocalypse —it's what I can afford).

Thanks, steele.


<-- Entry / Current Comment
NuncEstBibendum said @ 3:26pm GMT on 21st February [Score:1 Classy Pr0n]
Happy Birthday, dear old SE !
Here, take some Silver (just a load of bullets, in case of werewolf apocalypse —it's what I can afford).

Thanks, steele.


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