Wednesday, 18 January 2017

"The nihilistic purity of the far left will kill us all."

quote [ I’ve been angry and disgusted about a lot of things since Election Day. But over the past few days I’ve been angrier than Jack Nicholson’s character from The Shining to see all these so-called “progressives” come out of the fucking woodwork to crucify Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) for voting against one amendment to a budget reconciliation bill that could have allowed Americans to buy cheaper imported prescription drugs from Canada — even though the amendment wasn’t going to become law ]

I'm not sure I endorse these sentiments, but let's have a spirited discussion about them!
[SFW] [politics] [0 Overrated]
[by lrdcthulu]
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kylemcbitch said @ 7:14pm GMT on 18th January
Sorry, I couldn't even get past the first paragraph before I rolled my eyes. Cory Booker is being crucified for a reason.

It just so happened that Booker’s vote took place on the same day he took the UNPRECEDENTED step in testifying against Sen. Jeff Sessions

Really, that's the excuse? Booker couldn't vote yes because he had to fight Sessions? Get the fuck out my face with that bullshit?

Not to mention that Booker and the other 12 Democratic Senators that voted against Klobuchar’s amendment voted in favor of a very similar amendment proposed by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR).

And this bullshit. We've passed something exactly like the Wyden amendment twice. We know exactly why it doesn't work, and that is exactly why the Republicans who crossed the aisle for one of these votes didn't cross for the other.

But this author like so many apologist for Democrats is banking on the fact the average reader apparently lives in a fog that doesn't allow them to remember as far back as 2007, and keeps them from spending an hour on google.

Yeah, I can't take anything in this seriously. Sorry. This isn't trying to start a conversation, this is some whiny asshole trying to blame people who can read for the fact they can't and don't understand the issue except in the most superficial of ways.

kylemcbitch said @ 7:23pm GMT on 18th January
Sorry, I couldn't even get past the first paragraph before I rolled my eyes. Cory Booker is being crucified for a reason.

It just so happened that Booker’s vote took place on the same day he took the UNPRECEDENTED step in testifying against Sen. Jeff Sessions

Really, that's the excuse? Booker couldn't vote yes because he had to fight Sessions? Get the fuck out my face with that bullshit?

Not to mention that Booker and the other 12 Democratic Senators that voted against Klobuchar’s amendment voted in favor of a very similar amendment proposed by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR).

And this bullshit. We've passed something exactly like the Wyden amendment twice. We know exactly why it doesn't work, and that is exactly why the Republicans who crossed the aisle for one of these votes didn't cross for the other.

But this author like so many apologist for Democrats is banking on the fact the average reader apparently lives in a fog that doesn't allow them to remember as far back as 2007, and keeps them from spending an hour on google.

Yeah, I can't take anything in this seriously. Sorry. This isn't trying to start a conversation, this is some whiny asshole trying to blame people who can read for the fact they can't and don't understand the issue except in the most superficial of ways.

Let me put this as plainly as possible: Any time someone brings up the Wyden amendment I reminded of the term "useful idiot." That was literally nothing more than a naked attempt to vote for something we know can't work (because we've been told it' impossible by the people who'd be responsible for doing it) just so those that voted for it can say they didn't really vote to block access to cheaper medication.

You can not possibly work in Washington, on healthcare legislation, and not be aware of this admission, or the prior two laws that made the admission a thing in the first place.

kylemcbitch said @ 7:24pm GMT on 18th January
Sorry, I couldn't even get past the first paragraph before I rolled my eyes. Cory Booker is being crucified for a reason.

It just so happened that Booker’s vote took place on the same day he took the UNPRECEDENTED step in testifying against Sen. Jeff Sessions

Really, that's the excuse? Booker couldn't vote yes because he had to fight Sessions? Get the fuck out my face with that bullshit?

Not to mention that Booker and the other 12 Democratic Senators that voted against Klobuchar’s amendment voted in favor of a very similar amendment proposed by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR).

And this bullshit. We've passed something exactly like the Wyden amendment twice. We know exactly why it doesn't work, and that is exactly why the Republicans who crossed the aisle for one of these votes didn't cross for the other.

But this author like so many apologist for Democrats is banking on the fact the average reader apparently lives in a fog that doesn't allow them to remember as far back as 2007, and keeps them from spending an hour on google.

Yeah, I can't take anything in this seriously. Sorry. This isn't trying to start a conversation, this is some whiny asshole trying to blame people who can read for the fact they can't and don't understand the issue except in the most superficial of ways.

Let me put this as plainly as possible: Any time someone brings up the Wyden amendment I reminded of the term "useful idiot." That was literally nothing more than a naked attempt to vote for something we know can't work (because we've been told it' impossible by the people who'd be responsible for doing it) just so those that voted for it can say they didn't really vote to block access to cheaper medication.

You can not possibly work in Washington, on healthcare legislation, and not be aware of this admission, or the prior two laws that made the admission a thing in the first place.

But please, tell me how holding someone responsible for that is sexist (because Sander's argued for a bill written by a woman? Are you fucking high?), or ignorant?

<-- Entry / Current Comment
kylemcbitch said @ 7:14pm GMT on 18th January
Sorry, I couldn't even get past the first paragraph before I rolled my eyes. Cory Booker is being crucified for a reason.

It just so happened that Booker’s vote took place on the same day he took the UNPRECEDENTED step in testifying against Sen. Jeff Sessions

Really, that's the excuse? Booker couldn't vote yes because he had to fight Sessions? Get the fuck out my face with that bullshit?

Not to mention that Booker and the other 12 Democratic Senators that voted against Klobuchar’s amendment voted in favor of a very similar amendment proposed by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR).

And this bullshit. We've passed something exactly like the Wyden amendment twice. We know exactly why it doesn't work, and that is exactly why the Republicans who crossed the aisle for one of these votes didn't cross for the other.

But this author like so many apologist for Democrats is banking on the fact the average reader apparently lives in a fog that doesn't allow them to remember as far back as 2007, and keeps them from spending an hour on google.

Yeah, I can't take anything in this seriously. Sorry. This isn't trying to start a conversation, this is some whiny asshole trying to blame people who can read for the fact they can't and don't understand the issue except in the most superficial of ways.

Let me put this as plainly as possible: Any time someone brings up the Wyden amendment I reminded of the term "useful idiot." That was literally nothing more than a naked attempt to vote for something we know can't work (because we've been told it' impossible by the people who'd be responsible for doing it) just so those that voted for it can say they didn't really vote to block access to cheaper medication.

You can not possibly work in Washington, on healthcare legislation, and not be aware of this admission, or the prior two laws that made the admission a thing in the first place.

But please, tell me how holding someone responsible for that is sexist (because Sander's argued for a bill written by a woman? Are you fucking high?), or ignorant?

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