Friday, 28 October 2016

Aliens? Possibly! Over-statement? Probably!

quote [ Strange messages coming from the stars are ‘probably’ from aliens, scientists say

'It is too early to unequivocally attribute these purported signals to the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations,' a group of scientists looking for aliens have warned – but the signals are encouraging. ]

I am hopefully optimistic, but I am gonna wait to see where this goes before I swear my alliegence to any (insert whatever) overlord.
[SFW] [science & technology] [+2 Interesting]
[by kylemcbitch]
<-- Entry / Comment History

lilmookieesquire said @ 9:04pm GMT on 28th October
They had a sub-plot about finding other colonies of gummiebears "across the sea". In hindsite it was (1) the only plot line I cared about (2) an obvious metaphor for the difficulties space exploration and trying to find intelligent life.

lilmookieesquire said @ 9:14pm GMT on 28th October
They had a sub-plot about finding other colonies of gummiebears "across the sea". In hindsite it was (1) the only plot line I cared about (2) an obvious metaphor for the difficulties space exploration and trying to find intelligent life.

(From TV tropes)
Last of His Kind: The Gummi Glen Gummis believe they are the last remaining Gummis. They're wrong, but not by much.
Most of the Gummi Bears set off in ships to find new land where they wouldn't be persecuted by humans. A small number remained in Gummi Glen, to watch and wait for the day it was safe for the other Gummis to return. Five hundred years later, there are six left. However, by the end of Season One it's made clear that there's a thriving Gummi society across the ocean.
On a slightly smaller scale, in Season Two the group come across another Gummi Bear called Chummi, who's really desperate to find other bears. The small bits he mentions about his past indicate he was from another warren that stayed behind but, like Gummi Glen, their numbers dwindled until there was only him.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
lilmookieesquire said @ 9:04pm GMT on 28th October
They had a sub-plot about finding other colonies of gummiebears "across the sea". In hindsite it was (1) the only plot line I cared about (2) an obvious metaphor for the difficulties space exploration and trying to find intelligent life.

(From TV tropes)
Last of His Kind: The Gummi Glen Gummis believe they are the last remaining Gummis. They're wrong, but not by much.
Most of the Gummi Bears set off in ships to find new land where they wouldn't be persecuted by humans. A small number remained in Gummi Glen, to watch and wait for the day it was safe for the other Gummis to return. Five hundred years later, there are six left. However, by the end of Season One it's made clear that there's a thriving Gummi society across the ocean.
On a slightly smaller scale, in Season Two the group come across another Gummi Bear called Chummi, who's really desperate to find other bears. The small bits he mentions about his past indicate he was from another warren that stayed behind but, like Gummi Glen, their numbers dwindled until there was only him.

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