Dark Money -
The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right
I know a few of you guys have finished it, or are on the way. Let's talk more, and have more spoilers!
I for one, felt ambivalent about the NASA scenes - they made a lot of sense, and kept the plot moving, and gave you some sense about what was happening, but at the same time, I read them as fast as possible so as to get back to Mark's exciting adventures. Anyone else?
[SFW] [SE Book Club] |
[+6 Good] |
lilmookieesquire said @ 9:14pm GMT on 18th July
I thought there's lots of excitI got stuff to space out.
Exciting stuff
-the original storm (shabby stabby)
-additional dreams:flashback to more of the storm
-Hab pops, violently thrown out
-protein bar fiasco
-suspenseful rover tips
-Launch from mars
Intersperse the plot
throw in some nasa guys running around as their supervisor yells at them
Boring stuff:
The general set up
Dealing with the poo poo/peepee gags
Wife and kids at home (not in book but awesome movie fodder)
Potatoe growing montage
Showing how he suits up the eva
Exiting and entering the air lock
Showing how the rovers work
Explaining the equipment
Showing him exploring and getting the pathfinder etc
Shots of people hoping he gets back, crying people, shuttles launching into space with a count down...
You probably got an hour and a half right there
lilmookieesquire said @ 9:15pm GMT on 18th July
I thought there's lots of excitI got stuff to space out.
Exciting stuff
-the original storm (shabby stabby)
-additional dreams:flashback to more of the storm
-Hab pops, violently thrown out
-protein bar fiasco
-suspenseful rover tips
-Launch from mars
Intersperse the plot
throw in some nasa guys running around as their supervisor yells at them
Boring stuff:
The general set up
Dealing with the poo poo/peepee gags
Wife and kids at home (not in book but awesome movie fodder)
Potatoe growing montage
Showing how he suits up the eva
Exiting and entering the air lock
Showing how the rovers work
Explaining the equipment
Showing him exploring and getting the pathfinder etc
Shots of people hoping he gets back, crying people, shuttles launching into space with a count down...
You probably got an hour and a half right there
Edit: I think Steele is onto something. I predict "Rover ol' Buddy".
lilmookieesquire said @ 9:14pm GMT on 18th July
I thought there's lots of excitI got stuff to space out.
Exciting stuff
-the original storm (shabby stabby)
-additional dreams:flashback to more of the storm
-Hab pops, violently thrown out
-protein bar fiasco
-suspenseful rover tips
-Launch from mars
Intersperse the plot
throw in some nasa guys running around as their supervisor yells at them
Boring stuff:
The general set up
Dealing with the poo poo/peepee gags
Wife and kids at home (not in book but awesome movie fodder)
Potatoe growing montage
Showing how he suits up the eva
Exiting and entering the air lock
Showing how the rovers work
Explaining the equipment
Showing him exploring and getting the pathfinder etc
Shots of people hoping he gets back, crying people, shuttles launching into space with a count down...
You probably got an hour and a half right there
Edit: I think Steele is onto something. I predict "Rover ol' Buddy".