Anger -
Wisdom for Cooling the Flames
I know a few of you guys have finished it, or are on the way. Let's talk more, and have more spoilers!
I for one, felt ambivalent about the NASA scenes - they made a lot of sense, and kept the plot moving, and gave you some sense about what was happening, but at the same time, I read them as fast as possible so as to get back to Mark's exciting adventures. Anyone else?
[SFW] [SE Book Club] |
[+6 Good] |
rndmnmbr said @ 6:50pm GMT on 18th July
What's funny is, in the book, he does blow up an airlock and headbutts the inside so hard that his helmet leaks.
rndmnmbr said @ 6:52pm GMT on 18th July
What's funny is, in the book, he does blow up an airlock and headbutts the inside so hard that his helmet leaks.
Also someone else blows up a different airlock to make all the air leak out, for good reasons.
rndmnmbr said @ 6:50pm GMT on 18th July [Score:1 Informative]
What's funny is, in the book, he does blow up an airlock and headbutts the inside so hard that his helmet leaks.
Also someone else blows up a different airlock to make all the air leak out, for good reasons.