Saturday, 18 July 2015

New SE Book Club Discussion Thread!

So, here's a new thread!

I know a few of you guys have finished it, or are on the way. Let's talk more, and have more spoilers!

I for one, felt ambivalent about the NASA scenes - they made a lot of sense, and kept the plot moving, and gave you some sense about what was happening, but at the same time, I read them as fast as possible so as to get back to Mark's exciting adventures. Anyone else?
[SFW] [SE Book Club] [+6 Good]
[by lrdcthulu]
<-- Entry / Comment History

lilmookieesquire said @ 5:15pm GMT on 18th July
I had no problems with the main character in that I think he was trying to stay positive and not be depressed- like that's how he would have handled an ongoing crisis and he was specially selected for those traits.

What I found hard to believe is that other people would have wanted/liked to hang around him. For a guy being alone and abandoned on mars, I thought the personality was perfect- but he didn't seem particularly charismatic, no?

lilmookieesquire said @ 5:16pm GMT on 18th July
I had no problems with the main character in that I think he was trying to stay positive and not be depressed- like that's how he would have handled an ongoing crisis and he was specially selected for those traits.

What I found hard to believe is that other people would have wanted/liked to hang around him. For a guy being alone and abandoned on mars, I thought the personality was perfect- but he didn't seem particularly charismatic, no?

edit: and I fancy they didn't really. Like he was kind of more tolerated, especially given that he was trapped on mars and everyone thought they were likely talking to a dead man.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
lilmookieesquire said @ 5:15pm GMT on 18th July
I had no problems with the main character in that I think he was trying to stay positive and not be depressed- like that's how he would have handled an ongoing crisis and he was specially selected for those traits.

What I found hard to believe is that other people would have wanted/liked to hang around him. For a guy being alone and abandoned on mars, I thought the personality was perfect- but he didn't seem particularly charismatic, no?

edit: and I fancy they didn't really. Like he was kind of more tolerated, especially given that he was trapped on mars and everyone thought they were likely talking to a dead man.

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