Sunday, 20 November 2022

The Peekaboo Paradox

quote [ The strange secrets of humor, fear and a guy who makes big money making little people laugh ]

I love making people laugh. It makes me forget how deeply unsecure I am. It really is a façade of confidence for me.
[SFW] [people] [+4 Interesting]
[by maximumtodd]
<-- Entry / Comment History

cb361 said @ 9:20pm GMT on 20th November
The article was Robin Williams and Why Funny People Kill Themselves

Although that was rushed out before we found out that Robin Williams’ suicide was basically a side effect of early onset dementia.

cb361 said @ 9:21pm GMT on 20th November
The article was Robin Williams and Why Funny People Kill Themselves

Although that was rushed out before we found out that Robin Williams’ suicide was basically a side effect of early onset dementia.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
cb361 said @ 9:20pm GMT on 20th November [Score:1 Sad]
The article was Robin Williams and Why Funny People Kill Themselves

Although that was rushed out before we found out that Robin Williams’ suicide was basically a side effect of early onset dementia.

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