Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Bloomberg pays fines for 32,000 felons in Florida so they can vote

quote [ Billionaire Michael Bloomberg has reportedly raised more than $16 million in an effort to help convicted felons in Florida register to vote.  ]

The people voted to restore felon voting rights, Florida legislature stymied them with a poll tax. Now Bloomberg has made himself useful. Yay.
[SFW] [politics] [+5 Good]
[by HoZay]
<-- Entry / Comment History

cb361 said @ 9:42pm GMT on 22nd September
If they're not actively scheming to harvest your bone marrow to make themselves a bone marrow mattress, we should probably just be thankful.

cb361 said @ 11:50pm GMT on 22nd September
If they're not actively scheming to harvest your bone marrow to make themselves bone marrow mattresses, we should probably just be thankful.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
cb361 said @ 9:42pm GMT on 22nd September
If they're not actively scheming to harvest your bone marrow to make themselves bone marrow mattresses, we should probably just be thankful.

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