Monday, 24 August 2020

Someone left plaques around Toronto that tell the slave-owning pasts of prominent historical families

quote [ Temporary plaques exposing the history of the families behind Toronto's street names have been spotted around the city.

But who's behind it? Well, they're choosing to remain anonymous.

Essex County Black Historical Research Society president Irene Moore Davis was sent a photo of these plaques by an acquaintance who noticed Davis was quoted on them.

"They wanted me to be aware of it because my name was on it," she said.

The plaques give a brief history behind the name of the streets, emphasizing the relationship between the name and Black history. ]

Lmao, nice. Hoping more of these pop up.
[SFW] [history] [+8 Good]
[by steele]
<-- Entry / Comment History

HoZay said @ 11:56pm GMT on 24th August
Damn! That's some killer saxophone!

HoZay said @ 12:11am GMT on 25th August
Damn! That's some killer saxophone!
And apparently uncredited :/

<-- Entry / Current Comment
HoZay said @ 11:56pm GMT on 24th August
Damn! That's some killer saxophone!
And apparently uncredited :/

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