Saturday, 21 March 2020

Italy, Pandemic’s New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World

quote [ The country’s experience shows that steps to isolate the coronavirus and limit people’s movement need to be put in place early, with absolute clarity, then strictly enforced. ]

Greetings from Milan, beloved SErs. An update.
Today, March 21, we registered in Italy 793 deaths in a single day; 546 of them here in Lombardy, a densely populated, industrialized (and polluted) region. The overall death toll in the country is of 4825. China is — officially — still at 3255 victims.

Exactly one month ago — the expression "it feels like years ago” here is less rhetorical than ever — we spotted in Lombardy a young and otherwise healty Covid-19-positive man. He’s still our patient 1, but the precursors of his epidemic chain are still unknown, and probably quite rooted in time.

Epidemiologic data are a very complex matter, starting from the method used to collect them; given this premise, in my region the mortality for Covid-19, at present, stays at 11% of cases. And this region has still (despite the shameful cuts and privatizations of these last years) one of the best healthcare system in Europe.

I’ve nothing to add, because I’m sincerely speechless.

Please take notes, analyze in detail our situation, and do everything possible in your country to avoid our errors.

And don't forget jacking off, of course: it boosts your immune system.

All best,


[SFW] [health] [+7 Informative]
[by NuncEstBibendum]
<-- Entry / Comment History

NuncEstBibendum said @ 6:03pm GMT on 23rd March
A very complete report from Bergamo, the single city most severely ravaged by Covid-19 in Italy.

Read. Take notes. Compare.

NuncEstBibendum said @ 6:04pm GMT on 23rd March
A very complete report from Bergamo, the single city most severely ravaged by Covid-19 in Italy.

Read. Take notes. Compare.

NuncEstBibendum said @ 10:06pm GMT on 23rd March
An insightful report from Bergamo, the single city most severely ravaged by Covid-19 in Italy.

It's very informative, and offers an interesting overview on the pandemics.
Please read, take notes, and compare with your local situation.

NuncEstBibendum said @ 10:08pm GMT on 23rd March
An insightful report from Bergamo, the single city most severely ravaged by Covid-19 in Italy.

"Coronavirus is the Ebola of the rich and requires a coordinated transnational effort. It is not particularly lethal, but it is very contagious. The more medicalized and centralized the society, the more widespread the virus. This catastrophe unfolding in wealthy Lombardy could happen anywhere".

It's very informative, and offers an interesting overview on this pandemics.
Please read, take notes, and compare with your local situation.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
NuncEstBibendum said @ 6:03pm GMT on 23rd March [Score:1 Insightful]
An insightful report from Bergamo, the single city most severely ravaged by Covid-19 in Italy.

"Coronavirus is the Ebola of the rich and requires a coordinated transnational effort. It is not particularly lethal, but it is very contagious. The more medicalized and centralized the society, the more widespread the virus. This catastrophe unfolding in wealthy Lombardy could happen anywhere".

It's very informative, and offers an interesting overview on this pandemics.
Please read, take notes, and compare with your local situation.

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