Sunday, 21 April 2019

How the humble pocket calculator morphed into the smartphone

quote [ The first computing device that would actually fit in your pocket was the Cal Tech, a 1967 prototype created by Texas Instrument.
Hewlett-Packard’s HP-65 came with  differential equations, stock prices, statistics
In January, 1992, Apple Computer announced the Newton MessagePad, coined the phrase “personal digital assistant.”
The Ericsson R380, in November 2000, was the first touchscreen smartphone to be the same size and weight as a regular cellphone.
On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs made pocket computing history.
“Today,” he said, “Apple is going to reinvent the phone.” ]

I bought my first calculator in 1975 for $29. Recommend checking link referred to in article

Did you catch "Editor’s note: By popular request, this story has been updated to include a paragraph on the PalmPilot."
[SFW] [science & technology] [+5 Interesting]
[by yunnaf]
<-- Entry / Comment History

arrowhen said @ 9:09pm GMT on 22nd April
You could probably find someone on r/VintageApple willing to take that Newton off your hands.

arrowhen said @ 9:12pm GMT on 22nd April
You could probably find someone on r/VintageApple willing to take that Newton off your hands.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
arrowhen said @ 9:09pm GMT on 22nd April [Score:1 Informative]
You could probably find someone on r/VintageApple willing to take that Newton off your hands.

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