Thursday, 14 February 2019

There Are 200 Electronic Kits In That Box

quote [ If you grew up in the latter part of the 20th century, you didn’t have the Internet we have today — or maybe not at all. What you did have, though, was Radio Shack within an hour’s drive. They sold consumer electronics, of course, but they also sold parts and kits. In addition to specific kits, they always had some versions of a universal kit where lots of components were mounted on a board and you could easily connect and disconnect them to build different things. [RetoSpector78] found a 200-in-1 kit at a thrift store that was exactly like the one he had as a kid and he shares it with us in the video below. ]

I had one of these. Breadboarding isn't quite as easy as these spring kits, but Arduinos and the variety of their sensor modules reminds me a lot of them. Same energy, as the kids say.
[SFW] [do it yourSElf] [+7 Old]
[by steele]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Ankylosaur said @ 4:42am GMT on 17th February
Idea: a battle circuits game, like battleship, only two players put components on breadboards that are linked to each other so one can block the other's circuit or reroute around a block. After they set up their circuits they push a button to determine a winner, maybe based on getting certain leds on top to light.

Ankylosaur said @ 4:47am GMT on 17th February
Idea: a battle circuits game, like battleship, only two players put components on breadboards that are linked to each other so one can block the other's circuit or reroute around a block. After they set up their circuits they push a button to determine a winner, maybe based on getting certain leds on top to light.

The Saturday morning tv commercial for it will have the losing kid clenching his fist and grimacing "You grounded by battle circuit!"

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Ankylosaur said @ 4:42am GMT on 17th February
Idea: a battle circuits game, like battleship, only two players put components on breadboards that are linked to each other so one can block the other's circuit or reroute around a block. After they set up their circuits they push a button to determine a winner, maybe based on getting certain leds on top to light.

The Saturday morning tv commercial for it will have the losing kid clenching his fist and grimacing "You grounded by battle circuit!"

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