Friday, 20 February 2015

Happy SEversary!

quote [ You still have to help your Uncle Jack off a horse. ]

We managed to survive a whole year! Hooray!

Not a whole lot to say. Mainly, just thank you for your support in this endeavour. Thank you to the subscribers that have made this possible. I put far more time into this than I originally planned for so the subscriptions help more than you know. Thank you to the posters, commenters, and modders that are keeping the front page moving and bringing things to life. And of course, thank you to the lurkers that are silently judging us. We know you're out there and we're gonna get you to break eventually.

I've got a few more things to bring online before I lock it down as version 1.0 and start on the v2.0 Super Alpha Omega SExtreme, but overall I'm pretty happy with where we're at with the codebase so far. I've managed to bring at least one major improvement online a month with a bunch of little tweaks and tech support fixes thrown in between. So, so far so good, I think.

The ranking system and Prep Post button are in beta, but are mostly working. And I'll be bringing the ability to buy SE silver online and streamlining/fancifying the subscription buying process in the coming weeks. We never did hit the subscription goal I was originally going for (though we came pretty close) and we've lost a couple of subscribers in the past couple of months, so don't be surprised if you see me start to push subscriptions a bit more to try and get us up to that goal.

Anyways, I'm taking the weekend off to visit with friends in Orlando. I hear it's not freezing down there. So if you guys like, feel free to go nuts in the thread and drop whatever features you might like to see when I begin v2. No guarantees on anything, but I'll do my best to at least take everything into consideration.

Thank you again. Here's to another year even better than the last.
Cheers. :D
[NSFW] [Meta SE] [+10 Good]
[by steele]
<-- Entry / Comment History

cakkafracle said @ 1:47am GMT on 21st February
Has it really been a year already? Holy shit.

cakkafracle said @ 8:48pm GMT on 20th February
Has it really been a year already? Holy shit.

also: congratubations Steele, i wasn't sure you had it in ya *checks* you do ;)

<-- Entry / Current Comment
cakkafracle said @ 1:47am GMT on 21st February [Score:1 Underrated]
Has it really been a year already? Holy shit.

also: congratubations Steele, i wasn't sure you had it in ya *checks* you do ;)

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