random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

unknown dick scares me - snowfox

to milk out buckets of fuck butter - DarkShadowRavenDragonGrrl69

seven levels of rad - graham

every day is a good day for autoerotic asphyxiation - rndmnmbr

it's like they're staring into my very soul... And giving it an erection - Todomanna

positive thinking will make tentacle porn possible - themanwhoeatslettus

the Star of David - Refreshingly not a penis - drunk

where we help one another out through grope therapy - Navier-Strokes

he who falls asleep with sex problem on mind, often wakes up with solution on hand - Chop-Logik

if you start running low on space remember you can stack them inside each other. - arrowhen

lend a hand - f00m@nB@r

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