random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

there doesn't seem to be anything here - crom

obviously a strongly elongated penis is the solution - mjteegarden

I wonder if it's the kind of stuff JOECAM might have liked - EPT

It's easy to tell whether a cartoonist is conservative by seeing whether they portray the President as an uppity black man - KingPellinore

I just leave a soul patch on the front. It's like having a little Hitler in my pants - snowfox

if you show fear, a monkey will bully you - cb361

there's enough donkey cock to go around - EPT

just because we aren't used to seeing it doesn't mean the universe isn't - Trench

who's in charge here anyway? - sanepride

shetland is teh hawt equine - leswilkerson

blessed are the Fundamentalists, for they shall inhibit the earth. - tamp

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