random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

are you a dick in real life too? - zkhan

welcome to "Sacrelicious Pisses on Everything Day" - Krutz

I meant nipples - crwk8

fuck my ass, I suck - Chop-Logik

want to see cockphagia? - ckfahrenheit

the Internet Bra - fifthSpango

who needs chocolate when you have cock? - discoLemonade

how I imagine madpride, only without the anuses - cb361

fear breasts, as the moth fears the candle - theolypse

I didn't learn anything, I'm not a better person, but I laughed and wasted a few minutes - Mopy J

Batman is batman with a blue sky and green grass. Not a corpse on a tightrope with a fish - ukdollars

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