random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

new KRAFT squeeze-away-cancer, in all your favorite flavors - symmetrian

it sounds like something you want, but you don't - radioelectric

-1,000,000 you cost me a blowjob - horseinsheep

it's not porn if it doesn't have genitals. - Misanthrope

what's relative might well be incest - incpenners

shakes fist 17% harder - ComposerNate

it's not because people were disagreeing with me. It's because they were disagreeing with reality - Naruki

fear breasts, as the moth fears the candle - theolypse

the Star of David - Refreshingly not a penis - drunk

they won't rest until they give every social interaction creepy undertones - zkhan

I be down for a tagline contest. All you guys is way funny - yogi

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