random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

my sock is now my sword - Gyro

beer seriously kicked my ass - graham

nothing kills the mood faster than a punch to the cunt - Bodnoirbabe

I like how you can see just a hint of asshole - crom

no sea too rough, no muff too tough, we dive at five - Fenny

it was only the one time and I was lonely. Really lonely - f00m@nB@r

they won't rest until they give every social interaction creepy undertones - zkhan

on the internet, you'll always be 18 to us - Navier-Strokes

a serving of foamy prawn gel between courses helps to cleanse the palate - Saint_Marck

I meant nipples - crwk8

masturbating is like slapping God repeatedly, in the face - Nihil

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