random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

when the turtles entered my life, they taught me to be self-aware - ComposerNate

eat clit or die! - vahid

the safeword is 'RANCH' - Roulette1337

just because we aren't used to seeing it doesn't mean the universe isn't - Trench

a serving of foamy prawn gel between courses helps to cleanse the palate - Saint_Marck

a phallocracy of vaginophiles - kang

nazis and terrorists have sweethearts waiting for them back home too - ENZ

I'm not sure I see the point to a sex bot who's only vulnerability is exposure to fluids - foobar

I think I understand why matt wanted out - Jewbacchus

it's worse because the coke is in his seminal fluid. - Krutz

my wife occasionally checks SE, so I love monogamy too - flat_michael

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