random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

eat clit or die! - vahid

just because we aren't used to seeing it doesn't mean the universe isn't - Trench

on the internet, you'll always be 18 to us - Navier-Strokes

I didn't learn anything, I'm not a better person, but I laughed and wasted a few minutes - Mopy J

never read comments - theolypse

turn on, tune in, tits out - ENZ

like an angry bee in a hollowed-out garbanzo bean - Barnabas_Truman

fettucine, linguine, martini bikini - another_it

I hereby suggest that a new verb for the act of cunnilingus be created - KingPellinore

no sea too rough, no muff too tough, we dive at five - Fenny

a vagina may not be a clown car but an ass is not a storage locker - tamp

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