Thursday, 29 May 2014

How a young composer fell in love with the score of Sneakers, and what makes the film?s music so great.

quote [ Composed by James Horner, the music in Sneakers is hauntingly beautiful and written in a sophisticated and understated manner. But part of what makes the score special is that it doesn?t necessarily sound like what you?d expect for a film in the ?computer-hacking / spy-game? genre. ]

I watched Sneakers again for the first time in years, and I was struck by the quality of the score. I am not alone.
[SFW] [+10 Interesting]
[by Mr. Langosta@6:08pmGMT]


Tirade said @ 1:43am GMT on 2nd Jun [Score:1 Informative]
I've been meaning to rewatch this movie for that express purpose. I'm working on doing an audiodrama for a noir/thriller that I've been writing as a serial, and the soundtrack really inspires the right mood for it. The little bit of music I wrote for my audiodrama is just a jazzy intro and outtro, since it's set in a fairly typical detective noir setting, so not much like this. But then again, I'm no James Horner, so I'm working with the skillset I've got. :)
conception said @ 6:43pm GMT on 29th May
It's so good.
gendo666 said @ 8:46pm GMT on 29th May
My vice is my password.verify me.
gendo666 said @ 8:46pm GMT on 29th May
oh crap. I actually meant "voice" but in retrospect.....
arrowhen said @ 9:02pm GMT on 29th May
damnit said @ 2:46am GMT on 30th May

password confirmed.

welcome back, gendo666.
GordonGuano said @ 1:39am GMT on 30th May
In contrast, I have to say most of Silence of the Lambs's score doesn't hold up. Parts of it stick out as badly as Goblin's work in the original Dawn of the Dead, or the proto- electronica in Ladyhawke.

+1 Nostalgic, though. I haven't seen Sneakers since it first came out.
arrowhen said @ 5:12am GMT on 30th May
The Ladyhawke soundtrack is horrible as a soundtrack, but it's pretty fun to listen to on its own if you have a high enough tolerance for 80s cheese.
Navier-Strokes said @ 5:54am GMT on 30th May
The soundtrack to Hackers
Ebichuman said @ 4:13am GMT on 1st Jun
I love that this was also heavily relied on in Mortal Kombat. Orbital, I miss you.
backSLIDER said @ 7:15am GMT on 30th May
Sneakers has always been my favorite "computer" movie. I never really thought about the sound track.
HoZay said @ 4:17am GMT on 31st May [Score:1 Insightful]
They sure had the NSA pegged.

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