Saturday, 20 February 2021

Happy 7th SE-versary!

quote [ So, I chose Sensible Endowment because this site is basically an inheritance of the old community, it's also run primarily by donations, and, most of all, to be well endowed is to have large genitalia ;) ]

Wow. So, it's a been a bit of a year, huh?

Since our last anniversary, my grandfather went quietly in his sleep. The months leading up to it, not so quiet or sane. It was a bit of a rough downward spiral. Anyway, funny story, apparently the only fucking place in Florida that is shut down to the public for covid is the courthouse I've needed paperwork from to settle my grandfather's estate. Fun, fun, fun. Um, Oy and I had settled into a place to ride out the plague with a couple of friends and have since been kicked out, with apologies, but no real explanation for why beyond the toxic temper tantrums of a drama queen roommate. So, we're back in Jacksonville staying with generous family for a couple of months while I try to finish up my grandfather's estate so that I can buy a van and get back on the road. Yeah, quite a year.

You may remember a post from August 2019 about SE possibly being hacked. It would appear that is the case. Some (but not all, kinda weird) SE credentials were found in a bundled hack release called Cit0Day. SE doesn't store your passwords in plaintext so all they got was email addresses and a salted password hash. But, if you use your SE password for any other accounts out there you should still definitely change those accounts' passwords. I've been slogging through the old codebase for the security hole that may have led to that breech and will update y'all once I find and patch it. Thanks to avid and apomorph for bringing this to my attention.

SE is still held together by subscriptions and my dwindling sanity. Those of you who can afford to chip in, it's much appreciated. If you can't afford it, no worries, but please do consider modding and commenting and posting more. I'll keep the site up and running as long as I can, but y'all gotta do your part too. ScoobySnacks is gonna break eventually, and then what will we do?

Here's to another year where we're not wiped from the face of the planet. Cheers.🍻
[SFW] [Meta SE] [+10 Underrated]
[by steele]
<-- Entry / Comment History

Paracetamol said @ 12:35pm GMT on 26th February
I did a quick mockup, it works reasonably well: If you paste this in a Bookmark:

document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
'+1 Good'

… it will add `+1 Good` buttons after all titles. So it actually works. It currently breaks on entries w/o click trackers, but it's only a proof of concept.

This snippet can be fine-tuned, but it won't:

- find out if you already voted (no dataset of the voters is available)
- find out if you're a subscriber (ok, maybe there's a flag in the code I didn't catch)

Paracetamol said @ 12:37pm GMT on 26th February
I did a quick mockup, it works reasonably well: If you paste this in a Bookmark:
document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
'+1 Good'

… it will add `+1 Good` buttons after all titles. So it actually works. It currently breaks on entries w/o click trackers, but it's only a proof of concept.

This snippet can be fine-tuned, but it won't:

- find out if you already voted (no dataset of the voters is available)
- find out if you're a subscriber (ok, maybe there's a flag in the code I didn't catch)

Paracetamol said @ 12:38pm GMT on 26th February
[Edit:] Damn, this eats my code … let me try via sandbox …

I did a quick mockup, it works reasonably well: If you paste this in a Bookmark:
document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
'+1 Good'

… it will add `+1 Good` buttons after all titles. So it actually works. It currently breaks on entries w/o click trackers, but it's only a proof of concept.

This snippet can be fine-tuned, but it won't:

- find out if you already voted (no dataset of the voters is available)
- find out if you're a subscriber (ok, maybe there's a flag in the code I didn't catch)

Paracetamol said @ 12:44pm GMT on 26th February
[Edit:] Damn, this eats HTML in Javascript … gonna think of something …

I did a quick mockup, it works reasonably well: If you paste this in a Bookmark:

document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
'+1 Good'

… it will add `+1 Good` buttons after all titles. So it actually works. It currently breaks on entries w/o click trackers, but it's only a proof of concept.

This snippet can be fine-tuned, but it won't:

- find out if you already voted (no dataset of the voters is available)
- find out if you're a subscriber (ok, maybe there's a flag in the code I didn't catch)

Paracetamol said @ 12:48pm GMT on 26th February
  document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
    let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
      '+1 Good'


[Edit:] Damn, this eats my code … let me try via sandbox … ok – this strips form tags from the comments – …okay, sorted it out:

I did a quick mockup, it works reasonably well: If you paste this in a Bookmark:

  document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
    let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
      '<form method="post" action="/entry.php/'+id+'"><button name="mod_type_id" type="submit" value="1">+1 Good</form>'

… it will add `+1 Good` buttons after all titles once called. So it actually works. It currently breaks on entries w/o click trackers, but it's only a proof of concept.

This snippet can be fine-tuned, but it won't:

- find out if you already voted (no dataset of the voters is available)
- find out if you're a subscriber (ok, maybe there's a flag in the code I didn't catch)

Paracetamol said @ 12:48pm GMT on 26th February
[Edit:] Damn, this eats my code … let me try via sandbox … ok – this strips form tags from the comments – …okay, sorted it out:

I did a quick mockup, it works reasonably well: If you paste this in a Bookmark:

  document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
    let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
      '<form method="post" action="/entry.php/'+id+'"><button name="mod_type_id" type="submit" value="1">+1 Good</form>'

… it will add `+1 Good` buttons after all titles once called. So it actually works. It currently breaks on entries w/o click trackers, but it's only a proof of concept.

This snippet can be fine-tuned, but it won't:

- find out if you already voted (no dataset of the voters is available)
- find out if you're a subscriber (ok, maybe there's a flag in the code I didn't catch)

Paracetamol said @ 12:59pm GMT on 26th February
[Edit:] Damn, this eats my code … let me try via sandbox … ok – this strips HTML tags from the comments – …okay, sorted it out:

I did a quick mockup, it works reasonably well: If you paste this in a Bookmark:

  document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
    let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
      '+1 Good'

… it will add `+1 Good` buttons after all titles once called. So it actually works. It currently breaks on entries w/o click trackers, but it's only a proof of concept.

This snippet can be fine-tuned, but it won't:

- find out if you already voted (no dataset of the voters is available)
- find out if you're a subscriber (ok, maybe there's a flag in the code I didn't catch)

Paracetamol said @ 1:11pm GMT on 26th February
[Edit:] Damn, this eats my code … let me try via sandbox … ok – this strips HTML tags from the comments – …okay, sorted it out – aargh, it eats HTML on every save:

If you paste this in a Bookmark:

  document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
    let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
      '<form method="post" action="/entry.php/'+id+'"><button name="mod_type_id" type="submit" value="1">+1 Good</form>'

… it will add `+1 Good` buttons after all titles once called. So it actually works. It currently breaks on entries w/o click trackers, but it's only a proof of concept.

This snippet can be fine-tuned, but it won't:

- find out if you already voted (no dataset of the voters is available)
- find out if you're a subscriber (ok, maybe there's a flag in the code I didn't catch)

<-- Entry / Current Comment
Paracetamol said @ 12:35pm GMT on 26th February
[Edit:] Damn, this eats my code … let me try via sandbox … ok – this strips HTML tags from the comments – …okay, sorted it out – aargh, it eats HTML on every save:

If you paste this in a Bookmark:

  document.querySelectorAll('.entry_header_text a').forEach( function(link) {
    let id = link.getAttribute('href').split('/go.php/')[1].split('/')[0];
      '<form method="post" action="/entry.php/'+id+'"><button name="mod_type_id" type="submit" value="1">+1 Good</form>'

… it will add `+1 Good` buttons after all titles once called. So it actually works. It currently breaks on entries w/o click trackers, but it's only a proof of concept.

This snippet can be fine-tuned, but it won't:

- find out if you already voted (no dataset of the voters is available)
- find out if you're a subscriber (ok, maybe there's a flag in the code I didn't catch)

Posts of Import
SE v2 Closed BETA
First Post
Subscriptions and Things

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