Sunday, 13 August 2017

The Google Memo: Four Scientists Respond

quote [ Hey, has Google fired that ignorant sexist shitball yet?
-John Scalzi (@scalzi) Aug. 7, 2017 ]

Ouch. Embarrassingly-no-humiliatingly-blown out of the water. I just want to apologize to everyone.

I am, of course apologizing to referring to the BTFO-ing of everyone who instantly dismissed James Damore's thoughtful, insightful, utterly inoffensive memo with a sneer. I am sorry that your hateful ideology keeps you from making any sort of counter argument and responding only with slurs. Did the studies he cited use sloppy methodology? Reproducible results are notoriously difficult to find in the social sciences, after all. But you'll never know if you don't even know what his argument was, or worse, mischaracterize it as misogyny.

The good news is, you can always redeem yourselves. Read Damore's actual memo, not Gizmodo's bowdlerization that clipped out the citations and graphs. For those who don't have time to read, I'm including an interview he recently did with the greatest living Canadian, Dr. Jordan Peterson. And if you still think Damore is full of shit-that's fine! Because at least you'll know what you're rejecting. But as it stands now, the memo's haters don't even have the intellectual honesty of Fred Phelps, who could at least point to a Bible verse indicating that God thinks poorly of gay people.

I welcome your downmods. I may not be the hero SE wants, but I'm the hero it needs. Because I can take it.

2017/08/08: James Damore and his Google Memo on Diversity (complete)
[SFW] [science & technology] [+3]
[by GordonGuano]
<-- Entry / Comment History

norok said @ 2:57am GMT on 14th August
+1 if I could.

Your text is wasted on some though. They need demons to rail against to make themselves feel better. Lacking any; they create them.

norok said @ 2:58am GMT on 14th August
+1 if I could.

Your text is wasted on spme though. They create the very demons they rail against to make themselves feel as they are the moral ones.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
norok said @ 2:57am GMT on 14th August
+1 if I could.

Your text is wasted on spme though. They create the very demons they rail against to make themselves feel as they are the moral ones.

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