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How to Conquer Mob Mentality, How to Buy Happiness, and All the Other Ways to Outsmart Yourself
I'm not sure I see the point to a sex bot who's only vulnerability is exposure to fluids - foobar
nazis and terrorists have sweethearts waiting for them back home too - ENZ
why havent we replaced MORE fabrics with bacon-cloth? - wottan
eventually, she asked to see Garrison's penis - monkeytooth
much like the push-up bra, we like to support boobies - Tirade
fake testicles were a free speech issue - hell yeah
beer seriously kicked my ass - graham
Not Safe For Work. Or for people with morals - max_damage78
taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagliiiiiiiiine - ckfahrenheit
because the only thing more awesome than having a team of ninjas and a harem is having it be the same team - Jewbacchus
fap 'til you puke - kang