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All posts by eggboy
Thursday, 20 May 2021

Kentaro Miura, creator of bestselling manga Berserk, dies aged 54

quote [ Thousands of fans gather in online games to hold memorials for the artist and writer, who had been working on the series since 1989 ]

Well that's sad as shit.
At least they kinda left it in a good place.
[SFW] [obituaries] [+3 Sad]
[by eggboy@9:46pmGMT] [2 comments]

Friday, 2 October 2020

Fucking Lol

quote [ It's believed the President is currently trying to figure out whether to inject hand sanitiser or simply drink it from the bottle. ]

โ€œIf elected, Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.โ€
[SFW] [politics] [+4 Interesting]
[by eggboy@5:49amGMT] [40 comments]

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Employees creating furnishings for concentration camp to walk out

quote [ Wayfair employees plan to walk out tomorrow, after no action was taken in response to their opposition to the company supplying border detention camps with beds for children. ]

Real worker's solidarity is the best tool we have.
The CEO being a baptist is all for this shit, because of course he is.
[SFW] [business] [+10 Good]
[by eggboy@1:48amGMT] [6 comments]

Friday, 24 August 2018

Scott Morrison is the new PM of Australia

quote [ Mr Dutton, whose challenge set off the most destructive week of infighting in recent political history, has pledged loyalty to the man who beat him. ]

The captain came on over the intercom on my flight "If you think you know who is the PM of Australia right now, well you're probably wrong"

[SFW] [politics] [+4 WTF]
[by eggboy@4:06amGMT] [11 comments]

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull narrowly sees off leadership challenge from Peter Dutton

quote [ Malcolm Turnbull has emerged victorious after calling a Liberal leadership spill 48-35, beating Peter Dutton, who has resigned from the ministry. ]

So in the centre-right party that runs Australia, Malcolm, our Prime Minister who is in bed with the big banks, avoided being knifed by Peter, a racist shit-stain, by selling out the last of his integrity and our environment.

Peter quits and over the next week we get to watch them try to fuck each other over and see who can suck Rupert Murdoch's dick the best to win the support of the news.
[SFW] [politics] [+2 Interesting]
[by eggboy@12:56amGMT] [4 comments]

Monday, 6 August 2018

Saudi Arabia appeared to threaten Canada with a 9/11-style attack in a feud over human rights

quote [ Saudi state media tweeted a graphic appearing to show an Air Canda airliner heading toward the Toronto skyline in a way that recalled the September 11, 2001, terrorist hijackings of airliners that struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. ]

But no it's the Persians we're told are our enemies.
[SFW] [religion & spirituality] [+1 WTF]
[by eggboy@10:56pmGMT] [7 comments]

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Student protesters being raped and murdered by pro government thugs in Bangladesh

quote [ About 25 students were injured as a protest over road safety ended in violence, reports say. ]

I'd like to link to a reddit profile of a bloke getting information out on it, but the guy's been posting under his real name so that's not very wise.

[SFW] [dystopian violence] [+4 Sad]
[by eggboy@11:10pmGMT] [2 comments]

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

The worst 1st lines of 2018

quote [ Our eyes are always pointing at things we are interested in approaching, or investigating, or looking at, or having. ]

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson
[SFW] [literature] [+7 Funny]
[by eggboy@12:57pmGMT] [1 comment]

Sunday, 4 February 2018


quote [ Russia's leading environmental activist is one of more than a million people - many of them young and well-educated - who have packed their bags and left the country in recent years ]

Estonia better watch it, too many Russians in a country and Putin might use it as an excuse to invade.
[SFW] [dystopian violence] [+4 Sad]
[by eggboy@11:03pmGMT] [1 comment]

Monday, 18 December 2017

The great nutrient collapse

quote [ IN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, itโ€™s been understood for some time that many of our most important foods have been getting less nutritious. ]

So atmospheric co2 may be contributing to obesity in the 1st world, and vitamin deficiency in the 3rd world.
[SFW] [food & drink] [+7 Interesting]
[by eggboy@10:32pmGMT] [9 comments]

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