Saturday, 25 February 2023
quote [ When I talk about depression, others often confuse it with sadness. But it isn’t sadness that paralyzes me. Depression isn’t sadness on steroids. It’s apathy taken to new extremes. ]
Slowly getting better, it's a work in progress.
Tuesday, 14 February 2023
quote [ Released after three years of fans interpreting the characters in their own way, The Empire Strikes Back was contentious among some fans... Some, like Kirkland, felt that their stories had progressed far enough that they could ignore Empire and continue in their own way. Still others took the events of the movie and ran with them. ]
Interesting article on early Star Wars fandom. I saw a lot of similarities between how people back then reacted to Darth Vader being Luke's father to how people reacted more recently to Luke being a tired old hermit. You spend so much time building up your own canon that you set yourself up for disappointment no matter what.
Saturday, 16 October 2021
quote [ To me, I think that's actually one reason why things feel so divided and partisan right now, is because the overall majority consensus around the acceptance of whiteness and white democracy has collapsed, and white nativists can't even trust other white people to support them. ]
Heard this on the radio, and while the whole piece is extremely insightful, I feel the quote above really gets to the root of the "own the libs" mentality.
There's also a transcript on this page for those of you who prefer to read.
Saturday, 4 September 2021
quote [ Arctic Adventure is back baby! ]
Was a big fan of Zork and Colossal Cave Adventure back in the day, gonna have to give this a whirl.
Hell is other people's code, including your own. Stuff I wrote a month ago looks like someone else wrote it, I can't imagine going back 40 years and debugging, I'd go insane.
Thursday, 15 April 2021
quote [ A couple of years ago, I was in the second row of Magic Mike Live watching several ripped, shirtless men doing a modified cow pose on knees and balled fists. They repeatedly snaked their bodies to the ground, pelvises reaching the stage last. Later, a shirtless man thumped his fist against the stage with a coordinated thrust of the crotch. In another interlude, a man did a knee-pumping hump while traveling across the stage. I had not felt quite so giddy and breathless since watching a VHS of the Backstreet Boys in concert as a 13-year-old. These two events, separated by over two decades, had one crucial element in common: stage humping. ]
Brian David Gilbert's boy band parody got me thinking about air humping for some reason. Thanks for that, steele.
Saturday, 13 February 2021
quote [ Get just the ingredients and directions for any recipe page. No life story, ads, or popups. ]
Get rid of the 500 word essays on world travel or how having children makes you a better cook.
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
quote [ “Sweetheart,” he said. “We went over this in therapy. The reason I left the family had nothing to do with you. It was a crazy time for me. I had rabies.” ]
A woman literally raised by wolves has to deal with a dinner visit with her parents.
Monday, 31 August 2020
quote [ GoodShit is run by Fred Lapides. ]
I've long since stopped checking for updates to GoodShit since...I want to say, 2018? Hurricane Michael? There was a hurricane, and GoodShit stopped updating for at least a year. No idea when Fred Lapides started it up again, but if you're like me and gave up all hope, it's back from the dead!
Monday, 4 February 2019
quote [ “Quadriga’s inventory of cryptocurrency has become unavailable and some of it may be lost," the founder's widow said in documents obtained by CoinDesk. ]
Dude with the only password for a cryptocurrency exchange dies, $190 million of users' money completely inaccessible.
Sunday, 3 December 2017
quote [ Peteski pete·ski / `pētskē / This isn't happiness™ #thisisnthappiness ]
Yeah, it's an Instagram page. But I like the self-hating fatalism on display.
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