Tuesday, 10 September 2024

James Earl Jones Dies: Revered ‘Field Of Dreams’ Star, Darth Vader Voice & Broadway Regular Was 93

quote [ James Earl Jones, revered actor who voiced Darth Vader in Star Wars, starred in Field of Dreams' died September 9 at his home in Dutchess County, NY. He was 93. ]

Wake up in the morning like I'm James Earl Jones
[SFW] [obituaries] [+4 Informative]
[by ScoobySnacks@6:40amGMT]


steele said @ 1:01pm GMT on 10th Sep [Score:1 Good]
Paul Robeson testifying at the House Un-American Activities Committee

Comrade Robeson gives a timelessly inspiring speech against racism, imperialist war, and capitalism. In arguing for full freedom against an American "court" (unconstitutional and undemocratic), Robeson affirms the liberation movement of the socialists and exposes the oppressive nature of capitalist dictatorship.

This recording is a re-enactment by James Earl Jones.
Paracetamol said[1] @ 4:42pm GMT on 10th Sep [Score:1 Good]
I didn't post that before?

Created by the Social Security Administration, Genius on the Black Side was a series of five-minute radio fillers that met the FCC requirement for public service programming and threw a little bit of current rock into the mix. Narrated by James Earl Jones, each episode gives you some background on the artist, a highlight of Social Security benefits, and a piece of a hit song.

Genius on the Black Side (1980)


James Earl Jones Reads Frederick Douglass' Historic 4th of July Speech

Born into slavery around 1818, Douglass became a key leader of the abolitionist movement. On July 5, 1852, in Rochester, New York, he gave one of his most famous speeches, "The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro."

Naruki said @ 1:38pm GMT on 10th Sep
Loved his work on Big Bang Theory. RIP

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