Friday, 10 February 2017

Our so-called president's first military action: success or failure?

quote [ The operation raises serious questions about the planning and decision-making of the current occupant of the Oval Office, as well as the truthfulness of information coming out of the White House. ]

Much of this debate has focused on the personal conflict between Senator McCain and the White House and the relative sacrifice of a dead US Navy Seal. Not so much discussion of the 23 civilians killed in the botched raid.

Thumbnail is 8-year-old Nawar al-Awlaki, US citizen, killed in the raid.

Trump’s Yemen Raid That Killed Nine Children: What Went Wrong
[SFW] [politics]
[by sanepride@6:28pmGMT]


wise guy said @ 1:06am GMT on 11th Feb
The decision to do the raid was Obama's. Trump carried through with the raid after he took office, but all the leg work and prep for the raid falls on Obama.
bbqkink said[2] @ 1:15am GMT on 11th Feb [Score:2 Underrated]

We only have one president at a time. You can only blame Obama for so long.

midden said[1] @ 2:45pm GMT on 11th Feb
So, he really is the president? (This is in response to the downmod for me saying so.)
bbqkink said[2] @ 3:22pm GMT on 11th Feb
No it is for the namby pamby way you think we ought to treat this man. We could call him the racist president, we could call him the alt right president, we could call him liar in chief, we could call him a lot of things all of them true.

But for you to get upset when someone use his own words to describe him, quit accurately, is sad. This is our so-called president.

This is the politest way to address him that treats him at the same time with the respect due the office and the contempt due him as an individual.
midden said[1] @ 4:54pm GMT on 11th Feb
I totally get your anger and frustration, BBQ. I see no reason to coddle him in any way. I'd be perfectly fine with calling him a racist President, a pathological liar President, a narcissist President etc. Why? because they are true, to the best of my knowledge. And that's fighting lies with truth.

Edit: I should throw "misogynist President" in there while I'm at it.
knumbknutz said @ 4:13pm GMT on 11th Feb
Don't bet the farm on that one pal - the bushbots managed to blame Bill C. 8 straight years for just about everything dubya managed to fuck up (which was - well - just about everything), AND managed to concoct a "this is just reagans economy that is finally coming to fruition" delusion throughout the entirety of the 90's.
bbqkink said @ 4:35pm GMT on 11th Feb
Oh... I have no doubt they will try...
HoZay said @ 2:02am GMT on 11th Feb [Score:1 Underrated]
Read the article. Spicer was lying about that, as usual.
kylemcbitch said @ 4:45am GMT on 11th Feb
Sorry, but it's the person who makes the plan... the one that executes it. Trump was sitting president at the time, the choice was his to go or not.
wise guy said @ 1:09am GMT on 11th Feb
Navy SEAL Chief William "Ryan" Owens who was killed during the raid. The were not after the girl.

sanepride said[1] @ 4:08am GMT on 11th Feb
Thing is Chief Owens went on that mission as a volunteer knowing full well he was risking his life and might not come back. Those 23 civilians, including nine children, never had that choice. It makes little difference to them or their families that the SEALs weren't 'after them'.
midden said @ 3:21am GMT on 11th Feb
"The new fool of the White House has received a painful slap across the face."
While true, the fool in question is so cognitively impaired that he can only perceive the sound of that slap as applause.
midden said @ 3:23am GMT on 11th Feb
He is the President, not "so-called", no matter how much we may not like it.
hellboy said @ 3:48am GMT on 11th Feb [Score:1 Insightful]
It's in response to the Dumpster referring to that "so-called judge", who is a judge, no matter how much the DOTUS may not like it.
sanepride said @ 3:59am GMT on 11th Feb [Score:1 Good]
Exactly. I explained my usage in an earlier post, citing this reference. And I'm sticking to it. He may be the official president, but part of resisting is openly challenging the legitimacy of a president who lost the popular vote (and still refuses to admit it), and won the election with nefarious interference from both internal and external actors.
Fish said @ 12:55am GMT on 6th Mar
Huck Fillary
midden said @ 4:27am GMT on 11th Feb [Score:1 Underrated]
Yeah, I understand that. In my opinion, though, fighting "alternative facts", i.e. lies, is best done with real facts. Trying to fight alternative facts with more alternative facts will just lock us all into a downward spiral toward chaos.

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