Thursday, 1 August 2024
quote [ Aging parasitologists are working hard to inspire more students to enter the field ]
Don't let the parasite suck it
Headlessfriar said @ 5:37pm GMT on 2nd Aug
[Score:2 Insightful]
I had a HS zoology teacher who loved parasites. He had multiple weird stories about them. "Did I ever tell you guys about the time I gave my parents crab lice?" This led to him saying he gave his normal scalp hair lice to his parents by napping in their bed.
He also did a live demonstration where he fed a freshwater leech. He kept them in an aquarium in the back of the classroom, along with some crawdads & bluegill from the local pond. He let the leech attach to his palm, and walked around the room so we all could get a good look at it feeding. Not a teacher I'll ever forget. |
Paracetamol said @ 5:29am GMT on 1st Aug
great article!
Parasites are “almost like Pokémon,†says Carrie Cizauskas, a freelance science consultant with a background in disease ecology. “They’re like these weird little alien creatures that you can be like, ‘Ooh, this one has these capabilities and this kind of power.’†|
Headlessfriar said @ 5:32pm GMT on 2nd Aug
[Score:2 Funny]
You can also catch them all!