Tuesday, 16 May 2023
quote [ the heart of “The Conversation’s” appeal, then and now, is the way it combines an exceptional character study, a thriller plot and an ability to superbly convey the unease of a society where blanket surveillance is getting to be the norm. ]
Thought of this film today and look-a: it's viewable online.
The script is great, too:
midden said @ 7:36pm GMT on 16th May
Ah, an old favorite. It's one of the few movies I have on DVD, in a box, in the garage. Great flick.
ethanos said @ 2:28pm GMT on 17th May
I had started watching this many years ago but never finished. Now, thanks to Internet Archive, I am complete as a human being. Looking for other movies (I am an Archive beginner), all I find are old home movies and one of somebody giving birth.