Thursday, 24 May 2018

That was and is the plan.

quote [ Last Night Showed Why the “Democratic Civil War” Isn’t As Simple As You Thought

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. ]

In the end...after going after the votes of the disenfranchised, the non votes, the majority in the United States...the place where the most votes are...not chasing the mythical swing voter but increasing the number of voters.

Then the 3rd way will be left with the same choice as we have been for decades...It's us or the Republicans.

June is the busiest month with 17 primaries, while there are no primaries scheduled for July. Louisiana's Nov. 6, 2018, election is an all-comers primary, where candidates of all parties are listed on one ballot together.
[SFW] [politics] [+1 Informative]
[by bbqkink@12:29amGMT]


Hugh E. said @ 1:04am GMT on 24th May [Score:1 laz0r]
Now that Google isn't using it, Democrats can adopt the laziest of ethoses thanks to Republican blatant embrace of evil.

First-past-the-post voting is awesome!
bbqkink said @ 1:45am GMT on 24th May
I think it is pretty impressive that progressives are taking their message to the people and winning...maybe I'm missing something, but this is the system we have.
foobar said @ 3:56pm GMT on 24th May
It's a false choice, there merely to keep you doing what you're told.
bbqkink said @ 12:06am GMT on 25th May [Score:2]
You would complain if you got hung with a new rope.
arrowhen said @ 4:08am GMT on 25th May
Wouldn't you?
foobar said @ 6:03pm GMT on 25th May
Of course I would?
cluban said @ 11:40pm GMT on 24th May
Always hated that adage. If you can't beat 'em... KEEP FIGHTING
HoZay said @ 12:26am GMT on 25th May
What happened to cheating?
arrowhen said @ 5:38am GMT on 25th May
Cheating is for people who want to win, not Democrats.
bbqkink said @ 8:59pm GMT on 27th May
" I do not want to become dependent on any sort of assistance"

A scholarship would not have made you dependent on anything. To go any further into this we are going to bump into a real Conservative vs. Liberal divide. You think that you are completely independent...and unless you are homesteading it somewhere off the map and the grid you are not, you are a member of some sort of society.

And as such you should worry about the common good...

coffeejoejava said @ 12:13pm GMT on 25th May [Score:-4 Boring]
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bbqkink said @ 4:38pm GMT on 25th May [Score:0 Underrated]
You are not entitled to something you did not earn or work for.
So you are in favor of a 100% inheritance tax then?
coffeejoejava said @ 1:40am GMT on 26th May
I inherited nothing from my father after he passed. And my kids will get nothing from me after I p[ least not money. earn it your damned self. If it is given without working for it, it loses its meaning. If feels good to work hard to achieve something. I worked a full time job, and had two kids in the house when i earned my BBA. Kicked my ass but I did it.
bbqkink said @ 2:50am GMT on 26th May
Fair enough. But why shouldn't there have been some sort of help for you...grants, childcare stipend, scholarship. Don't you think the government should help?

milkman666 said @ 4:17pm GMT on 26th May [Score:1 Insightful]
If you say invest instead of help you won't trigger a recoil response.
bbqkink said @ 6:59pm GMT on 26th May
Nice to know wasn't aware of the programing.
coffeejoejava said @ 2:09pm GMT on 26th May
Why the hell do I need help? I have a job, am responsible with my money, live below my means.....I need no help from the government. i want them to leave me alone. I pay taxes and go about my business.
bbqkink said[1] @ 7:04pm GMT on 26th May
Why... because you work hard and pay your taxes.
coffeejoejava said @ 2:21am GMT on 27th May
I do not need or require handout from the government. I do not want to become dependent on any sort of assistance. It is funny, in Yellowstone National Park they have large signs stating that feeding the animals can cause them to become dependent upon those handouts to live. funny how they have never figured that out with humans, that giving someone something for free will make them dependent upon those handouts.
coffeejoejava said @ 1:46am GMT on 26th May [Score:-5 Boring]
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