Saturday, 10 June 2017

'March Against Sharia' Planned Across The U.S.

quote [ Saturday's nationwide "March Against Sharia," sponsored by a group known for aggressively criticizing Islam, has in recent days become a rallying cause for right-wing extremists. ]

Basically it's a nationwide klan rally without the hoods.
[SFW] [dystopian violence] [+2]
[by sanepride]
<-- Entry / Comment History

3333 said @ 2:47pm GMT on 11th June

Sorry, did I miss something?

This is a post about a “March Against Sharia"

What does your comment have to do with that?

I’ll ask again, why the downmode?

Was there a point/argument/principle you were trying (failing?) to make? 

(If you answer the question I pinky swear I won’t conclude you're total pinhead)

3333 said @ 3:06pm GMT on 11th June
Sorry, did I miss something?

This is a post about a “March Against Sharia"

What does your comment have to do with that?

I’ll ask again, why the downmode?

Was there a point/argument/principle you were trying (failing?) to make? 

(If you answer the question I pinky swear I won’t conclude you're total pinhead)

The question also applies to arrowhen if he, you know, is capable of writing...

<-- Entry / Current Comment
3333 said @ 2:47pm GMT on 11th June
Sorry, did I miss something?

This is a post about a “March Against Sharia"

What does your comment have to do with that?

I’ll ask again, why the downmode?

Was there a point/argument/principle you were trying (failing?) to make? 

(If you answer the question I pinky swear I won’t conclude you're total pinhead)

The question also applies to arrowhen if he, you know, is capable of writing...

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