Saturday, 9 February 2019

Finland basic income 'did not help jobless'

quote [ Although people ended up happier, the government hoped it would help the unemployed to find work. ]

Another perspective you could take is that the basic income kept many people from worse situations when there weren't enough jobs.
[SFW] [business] [+7 Interesting]
[by JWWargo]
<-- Entry / Comment History

the circus said @ 4:11pm GMT on 9th February
Without reading the article is this is addressed, there are a chunk of people who really aren't useful, even if they are eager to work. I work with some of them. And if there was a good system to just pay them to stay out of the way, society would be better off for it, rather than trying to find every gomer a job.

the circus said @ 4:12pm GMT on 9th February
Without reading the article if this is addressed, there are a chunk of people who really aren't useful, even if they are eager to work. I work with some of them. And if there was a good system to just pay them to stay out of the way, society would be better off for it, rather than trying to find every gomer a job.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
the circus said @ 4:11pm GMT on 9th February
Without reading the article if this is addressed, there are a chunk of people who really aren't useful, even if they are eager to work. I work with some of them. And if there was a good system to just pay them to stay out of the way, society would be better off for it, rather than trying to find every gomer a job.

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